Služba založenia novej spoločnosti s.r.o.
Služba založenia novej akciovej spoločnosti
Spoločnosti ktoré sú pripravené na predaj
Vykonáme za Vás akékoľvek zmeny do obchodného registra
Poradenstvo ohľadom podnikania so spoločnosťou s r.o. na Slovensku
Služba ukončenia podnikania a zrušenia spoločnosti
Získanie povolenia na pobyt cudzincov v SR
za účelom podnikania alebo zamestnania
0944 328 038 | Po - Pia 8:00 - 17:00
Objednajte si Online alebo zavolajte 0944 328 038
We offer ready-made LLCs (s.r.o.), which are limited liability companies already registered in the Commercial Register of Slovak republic. Companies are either completely new or older with reviewed history, turnover and a guarantee of indebtedness.
Depending on your preferences, you can choose between a VAT Registered or VAT Non-Registered ready-made company. Once the purchase documents are signed, the new business owner is able to start their business in Slovakia right away.
The preparation of all the necessary legal documents, as well as the transfer of ownership, is carried out by a our qualified attorney – hence no additional fees are charged.
All inclusive company transfer service. Change of name of the company, activities or registered office of the company.
Selection of new or older companies with history of turnover available for acquisition. These companies come with a guarantee of their indebtedness status.
We provide seamless transition for your acquisition. Our team takes an individualized and discrete approach, addressing your unique requirements.
Please fill out the contact form below and specify your needs. Member of our team will reach out to you with more information about available companies, prices and detailed information about the process of company acquisition.
© Evergreen Corporate Services, s. r. o. , 2023
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