Služba založenia novej spoločnosti s.r.o.
Služba založenia novej akciovej spoločnosti
Spoločnosti ktoré sú pripravené na predaj
Vykonáme za Vás akékoľvek zmeny do obchodného registra
Poradenstvo ohľadom podnikania so spoločnosťou s r.o. na Slovensku
Služba ukončenia podnikania a zrušenia spoločnosti
Získanie povolenia na pobyt cudzincov v SR
za účelom podnikania alebo zamestnania
0944 328 038 | Po - Pia 8:00 - 17:00
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We will establish a new company s.r.o. (LLC) for you. No more hassle with authorities, we will handle everything for you.
Learn moreReady-made s.r.o. (llc.) companies ready for sale. The fastest way how to set up a business in Slovakia.
Learn moreWhen it's time to end your business journey and the company needs to be closed and erased from the business register.
Learn moreWe will provide individual consultations and solutions for your specific needs and business situations.
Learn more"The turnkey business establishment service is great, there is no need to worry about bureaucracy, and all the necessary steps are taken care of by professionals. This will save you time and give you more peace of mind."
⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑ Service: Incorporation services (llc.)"It was a great choice for me, as I didn't have to waste time and energy with the authorities and I can focus on what's important to me - my business."
⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑ Service: Changes in business register"I can only recommended it to any entrepreneur who needs professional help and wants to move forward in business."
⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑ Service: Consultation, company dissolution© Evergreen Corporate Services, s. r. o. , 2023
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